Philip Guardione
Executive ChefThe success story of “Piccola Cucina” is, without doubt, the story of the chef Philip Guardione, a true Sicilian raised in the shadow of Mount Etna and, due to this, a creative wizard in the kitchen.
As a child, with great enthusiasm and evident talent, he helped his grandmother prepare the food for all the important holidays – Christmas, Easter and Sundays. It was her who passed on the secrets of true Sicilian cooking to a very young Philip.
A long and successful European career (Milan – Four Seasons Hotel ; Paris – Il Carpaccio; Tailevent), a guest on numerous television programs, and then Philip arrived in the United States “I only came to New York for a visit, but the energy and vitality of the people bewitched me. Today the Big Apple has become my city, where this unexpected adventure all started, and my goal is to bring the joy and flavor of my country here”.
The creative touch of Philip Guardione brings out the flavors of the Mediterranean in a unique experience of combination and interpretation that will enthrall you, thanks to a mix of ancient (and extremely secret) recipes by his grandmother and his personal and exciting re-invention of Sicilian flavors.
Today Philip recreates the flavors of his recipes in products for sale, all conserved and ready to be sent, bringing to your table the aromas of this unique island.
Objectives and visionThe Flavors and products typical of Sicily are revived in the restaurants managed by Philip Guardione. With “Piccola Cucina” you can choose from 3 excellent locations in New York and Ibiza, which evoke sun and sea and where the imagination and creativity of a Sicilian chef is capable of amazing you.
Sun, land and sea come together, giving the taste buds new experiences and emotions.
And from now the flavors produced by “Gruppo Piccola Cucina”, thanks to the creativity of its chef Philip Guardione, are available on the internet with “commercio on line”, enabling you to buy your favourite dishes on line.